MYTH vs REALITY: Debunking the Commonly Held Myths Around Human Trafficking
MYTH vs REALITY: Debunking Commonly Held Myths Around Human Trafficking By: Alexandra Berryman One evening, I was meeting with a group of my Dad’s friends and told them I work in an anti-trafficking business. Usually, when I tell people this, I am met with mild...
FREEDOM BUSINESS FORUM: STRENGTHENING THE MOVEMENT In early May, the bustling city of Pattaya, Thailand, hosted the Freedom Business Forum 2024. The Forum brought together over 150 attendees, including representatives from businesses, non-profits, academia, and...
MEET ARCHIE BRIAN NEW REGIONAL DIRECTOR: SOUTH ASIA WRITTEN BY:ALEXANDRA BERRYMAN Being a part of FBA allows me to merge two passions – business growth and social healing – into a singular purpose. I am excited about the potential to support Freedom Businesses across...
Collateral benefits of a healing-centered workplace
COLLATERAL BENEFITS OF A HEALING-CENTERED WORKPLACE WRITTEN BY:ALEXANDRA BERRYMAN By weaving healing-centered principles into everything we do, we’re not only helping our team heal and thrive, we’re also discovering unique strengths that benefit the...