

You have the opportunity to be a champion for mental health in your place of employment through promoting Healing-Centered Workplace standards.

Mental Health Awareness month has been observed in the United States since 1949. As a society, we have come a long way in reducing the stigma associated with mental health by increasing awareness. 

But we still have a long way to go.

As the world emerges from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have a greater collective understanding of trauma and a recognition of the need for trauma-informed workplaces.

We want our jobs to be places where we thrive, not just survive.

In January 2022, the FBA released a watershed document outlining the 6 Commitments of Freedom Business, including the commitment to a Healing-Centered Workplace.

A trauma-informed, Healing-Centered Workplace takes into consideration the policies, procedures and practices necessary for individuals who have experienced trauma to move from surviving to thriving. It benefits all employees, not just survivors of trafficking and those at-risk of exploitation.

You have the opportunity to be a champion for mental health in your place of employment through promoting Healing-Centered Workplace standards.

The following excerpt from the Freedom Business Code of Excellence outlines 7 guiding principles for the application of a Healing-Centered Workplace:


  1. Trauma-Informed Training: Personnel at all levels in the organization receive trauma-informed care training, adapted and commensurate with their role within the organization, where appropriate. All new Personnel will undertake the training soon after commencing employment and/or vocational training at the organization. Scheduled refresher courses are provided.
  2. Trauma-Informed Policies, Procedures, and Practices: The organization’s policies, procedures, and practices are trauma-informed and promote safety and holistic well-being of its Personnel. Personnel are informed and trained in such policies and procedures, and scheduled refresher courses are provided.
  3. Growth and Development of Personnel: The organization prioritizes the personal and professional development of all its Personnel. It commits to creating an environment where creativity, innovation, excellence, and learning from mistakes are encouraged and rewarded. It has systems and dedicated staff to support Personnel to be resilient, to grow and reach their potential. It is intentional in exploring career pathways of Personnel, both within the organization and also in employment opportunities outside the organization.
  4. Safe Environment: The organization creates and sustains opportunities for choice, decision-making, power and control of Personnel toward their growth and development in the workplace. It seeks to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for its Personnel that fosters and promotes healing in-community.
  5. Services for Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being: The organization raises awareness amongst its Personnel on the importance of mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It provides Personnel with access to professional counseling and/or other recovery services (either internally or externally through partnerships), where necessary.
  6. Other Services for Holistic Well-Being: The organization strives to provide Personnel with access to services (either internally or externally through partnerships), where necessary, toward holistic well-being for Personnel and their families, especially where such Personnel may have experienced Human Trafficking and the related effects of trauma. These may include support and resources for life skills, education, job readiness and family counseling.
  7. Support for Supervisors and Managers: The organization acknowledges the integral role that managers and supervisors have in supporting other Personnel (especially those who have experienced Human Trafficking and the related effects of trauma) in their learning and development in furtherance of the organization’s mission. The organization has policies, procedures, and practices that support the holistic

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