FBA Partner Application Form Find support and encouragement in alliance with others This field is hidden when viewing the formLead Type* Check that All of the Below Apply to You before continuing to fill out the application: Check that All of the Below Apply to You before continuing to fill out the application:* I am NOT a freedom business owner or staff I would like to offer my expertise and time to help the freedom business movement I am applying as an individual. (If applying as an organization or business please reach out to us on the contact page here.) Note: Visits to freedom businesses with FBA require a personal and professional reference before the trip. 1. How did you learn about FBA? How did you learn about FBA?* Via the FBA Website/Web search Via an FBA member, affiliate, or partner Other (Please Describe) FBA member, affiliate, or partner name:Please describe: 2. Profile Information: First NameLast Name*Job TitleEmail Mobile #Work #Skype IDResidence CityResidence StateResidence CountryNationalityProfession 3. Gender: GenderGenderMaleFemale 4. Age Range: Age Range26 - 4041 - 5556+ 5. Languages spoken with some fluency (include native language): Languages spoken with some fluency 6. Roles Interested In (typically not paid positions): Roles Interested In (typically not paid positions) FBA Administration FBA Sub Group Leader FBA Researcher FBA Writer/Editor FBA Networking FBA Funding Business Adviser: Marketing & Sales Business Adviser: Web & Media Business Adviser: Product Development/Design Business Adviser: Logistics Business Adviser: Materials Sourcing Business Adviser: Retailing & Pricing Business Adviser: Wholesaling Business Adviser: Quality Control Business Adviser: Customer Service Business Adviser: Legal Matters Business Adviser: Financial Mgmt Business Adviser: Fundraising/Investing Business Adviser: Strategy Business Adviser: Human Resource Mgmt Other (Please Specify) Other Roles Interested In (typically not paid positions) 7. Organization/Business you work for/with (if any): Work For Organization name:Work For Organization Website: Work For Business Activity Start Year: 8. What type of business/organization do you most identify with? What type of business/organization do you most identify with? Alliance or Network of Organizations or People Business Hybrid NGO/Business Non-Profit/NGO Government agency 9. What issues do you have experience in? What issues do you have experience in? Trafficking/Exploitation Restoration Trafficking/Exploitation Prevention Trafficking/Exploitation Rescue Prostitution Recovery (non-trafficked persons) Addiction Domestic Abuse Forced Labor Prison Recovery Orphans Other (Please Specify) Other What issues do you have experience in 10. Do you have experience in any of the following areas? Do you have experience in any of the following areas? Accessories Agriculture Apparel Energy Food & Beverage Hospitality & Tourism Industrial Goods Jewelry Services Other (Please Specify) Other Do you have experience in any of the following areas 11. Notes/Comments/Questions: Notes/Comments/Questions:protected by reCAPTCHAPrivacy - TermsEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ