
Member Information Update

Please complete the information below to help keep our records current and accurately report on impact created within your business and across the Freedom Business industry.

Annual Member Check-in




Many Freedom Businesses have operations in more than one location and in more than one legal entity type. We want to understand your organizational structure:


We want to help match your organization with supporters that have aligned missions and values:

We want to better understand how your organization impacts its Personnel.
Hint: Personnel includes all those who have an employment relationship with an organization and/or are participating in vocational training provided by the organization.

Hold Shift to select all that apply


This is an opportunity for you to self-assess your Freedom Business using the Commitments from the Freedom Business Code of Excellence as a guide. It will also allow FBA to see where we can best serve your business on its path to greater growth and impact. All information will be kept confidential for FBA internal use.

For your reference the Freedom Business Code of Excellence is available online.
Commitment 1: Mission to End Human Trafficking

Creating jobs for survivors of Human Trafficking and those At Risk is a central, stated aim of our organization. We have developed structures, processes, programs, and resources to accomplish plans of action to carry out this mission.

1 - Very Poor. We do not meet any guidelines in Commitment 1

2 - Poor. We have discussed our intention to help end human trafficking

3 - Average. We have written our intention to end human trafficking in organizational documents

4 - Good. We take action on written plans to help end human trafficking

5 - Very Good. We meet all applicable guidelines in Commitment 1

Commitment 2: Governance, Transparency & Accountability

Our organization has a governance structure that oversees its strategic direction toward achieving its mission, identification and management of risks and opportunities, and its financial and social performance. There is transparency in how it conducts trade, in its supply chain and in management of the organization. Our organization welcomes and seeks accountability from its Stakeholders. It fosters meaningful participation of Personnel to facilitate fulfillment of its mission. It commits to ongoing learning and development as an organization to raise the standard of practice in the Freedom Business movement together with other Freedom Businesses.

1 - Very Poor. We do not meet any guidelines in Commitment 2

2 - Poor. We meet less than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 2

3 - Average. We meet half of applicable the guidelines in Commitment 2

4 - Good. We meet more than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 2

5 - Very Good. We meet all applicable guidelines in Commitment 2

Commitment 3: Good Working Conditions

Our organization commits to protecting the safety, human rights, health as well as the mental, physical, social and spiritual well‐being of its Personnel. It conforms, at a minimum, with all relevant laws on health and safety for its Personnel, working hours and working conditions.

1 - Very Poor. We do not meet any guidelines in Commitment 3

2 - Poor. We meet less than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 3

3 - Average. We meet half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 3

4 - Good. We meet more than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 3

5 - Very Good. We meet all the applicable guidelines in Commitment 3

Commitment 4: Fair Pay

Our organization commits to paying an equitable and fair wage to all its Personnel which meets the legal minimum wage and strives toward the Local Living Wage. It provides social security and benefits, not counting the provision of any extra programs and services toward minimum wage requirements.

1 - Very Poor. We do not meet any guidelines in Commitment 4

2 - Poor. We meet less than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 4

3 - Average. We meet half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 4

4 - Good. We meet more than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 4

5 - Very Good. We meet all the applicable guidelines in Commitment 4

Commitment 5: Healing-Centered Workplace

Our organization has a trauma-informed, healing-centered workplace demonstrated by fully integrating knowledge about trauma and recovery practices into its policies, procedures, and practices, seeking to actively reduce the possibility of re-traumatization of those Personnel who have personally experienced Human Trafficking.

1 - Very Poor. We do not meet any guidelines in Commitment 5

2 - Poor. We meet less than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 5

3 - Average. We meet half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 5

4 - Good. We meet more than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 5

5 - Very Good. We meet all the applicable guidelines in Commitment 5

Commitment 6: Concern for External Stakeholders

Our organization commits to business practices that evidence concern for external Stakeholders including suppliers, business partners, donors, investors, fellow Freedom Businesses, and the environment, always seeking to minimize negative impacts created by its operations and increase mutual benefit.

1 - Very Poor. We do not meet any guidelines in Commitment 6

2 - Poor. We meet less than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 6

3 - Average. We meet half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 6

4 - Good. We meet more than half of the applicable guidelines in Commitment 6

5 - Very Good. We meet all the applicable guidelines in Commitment 6


Financial Health

1 - Very Poor. We are consistently operating at a net loss and reducing Personnel

2 - Poor. We are operating at a net loss but have plans to grow

3 - Average. We are breaking even

4 - Good. We are operating at a small net profit

5 - Very Good. We consistently operate with a healthy net profit and are steadily growing

Personnel Health




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